Livingston County NY Democrats

Envisioning a nation of justice, peace, and freedom, where differences are respected

Women's March in Washington, DC

Support the Livingston County Democratic Committee!

The Livingston County Democratic Committee supports Democratic candidates and causes.

When you donate to us using ActBlue, we can reduce mailing expenses and send more to help Democratic campaigns.

Thank you for supporting our local candidates!

Vote! It Has Never Been More Important than It Is Right Now!

October 29, 2022

We have wonderful candidates who have stepped up to run for us on Row A. Please make sure to give them your support. You can find out more about them on their websites.

We also have town-level candidates who are stepping up for us and deserve our support!

Right now our democracy is under assault everywhere you look. That's why it's so important to vote for all the candidates on Row A! The only way to protect what we hold dear is to send a resounding message at the ballot box this year. Unfortunately, it has reached the point where a vote for any Republican is, in fact, a vote for more chaos, more extremism, and less freedom. New York is not immune - we must do everything we can through November 8!

Pick Your Day to Vote (by November 8)

October 29, 2022

Election Day this year is November 8, and you will be able to vote at your local polling place from 6 am until 9 pm that night. The County Board of Elections lists polling places here:

You can also vote early in room 205 of the County Government Center in Geneseo (behind the Courthouse). You have lots of options, beginning Saturday, October 29. Saturdays and Sundays, October 29 and 30 and November 5 and 6, you can vote anytime between 9 am and 5 pm. Monday October 31, Wednesday, November 2, and Friday, November 4, early voting hours are 8 am to 4 pm. On Tuesday and Thursday, November 1 and 3, you can vote from 8 am until 8 pm. Please note that the only day you cannot vote early between now and Election Day is the day before the election (they need to be able to set up polling sites that day). All of the dates and times for early voting are available here:

Please make a plan to vote. Decide when you're able to vote, early or Election Day, and put a specific time in your calendar. Studies show that you're much more likely to follow through with your good intentions if you plan how and when you will do it first.